Phase 3

Posted: September 3, 2010 in Trans-Labrador

This is the longest sctretch of off-road driving that I will have to do in my trip and also the longest stretch without any gas, or civilisation for that matter. It is 400km from Goose bay to Cartwright.

Great view off the new bridge just outside Happy Valley getting on Phase 3 of the Trans-Labrador Highway.

At around halfwayI was getting hungrey and the bike needed gas so I pulled over to fill up as fast as I could, fearing the swarms of black flies… But they never came?? Not sure why, it wasn’t all that windy?

Took advantage of this fact to have a little picnic in the tundra. hundreds of km from anywhere.

I always thought that lichen would be soft, but its actually kind of cruncky… like cheetos.

For dessert I had some freshly picked Labrador blueberries.

Figured I throw in a few pics of me. I took these with the timer function on the camera.

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