North of 50, then 51, then 52… then

Posted: August 22, 2010 in Trans-Labrador

As I drove I whizzed by signs indicating that I was passing parrellels.

1st 50, then 51, then 52, then eventually even 53.

The bike was handelling great and I found that I could comfortably ride much faster on the gravel with my tires then on the tarmac. Whizzing by at 150 KM/h was grat fun and the bike pulled like it was its natural habitat! Awesome time! great ride, great bike!

Even the sky was a sight to behold.

I also noticed when I stopped how quite it is. Not a sound. not a sound. noting, no wind, no birds, nothing. Utter quiet. Don’t think I ever experienced absolute total quite before… outside no less.

  1. Jean-Seb says:

    Magnifiques photos 🙂

    Ca vaut quand meme la peine de monter :).

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